Chart Harmony Calendar on laptop screen, Chart Harmony rituals and remedies on quick-reference cards in foreground

Chart Harmony Calendar +
Complete Chart Harmony Mini-Course

It's time to lean INTO the vibe of each day! No more pushing against energies that are better served for other activities in our lives. No more feeling unmotivated RIGHT when we sit down to compose that important bit of writing. No more trying to sleep despite a hamster-wheel of activity whirring in the brain. Getting aligned with the exact combination of factors determining each day's tone is as easy as color-matching.

If you're the type who loves to understand the HOW behind all of this, the Chart Harmony mini-course (with 90+ minutes of audio/slideshow training) will take you on a deep-dive of Bonnie Gillespie's entire process for creating this method. And if all you need is a monthly PDF with colors that guide you to the best days for scheduling everything in your life? You've got that here too. With bonus quick-reference guides and fun "collect 'em all" bingo cards for aligning activities and remedies to the days ahead!

We're gonna have SUCH a blast with this! :)

Here's What's Inside

  Chart Harmony Calendar & Mini-Course
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  August 2024 Chart Harmony Calendar
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  April 2024 Chart Harmony Calendar
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  March 2024 Chart Harmony Calendar
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  February 2024 Chart Harmony Calendar
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  September 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar
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  August 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar
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  July 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar
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